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bath time in Kisiizi!

bath time in Kisiizi!
outside children's ward

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Flying home...

lake in the wilderness
After getting up at 2.30am on Friday, we reached the airport about 3.40am and left for Nairobi on a Kenya airways plane at 5.10am.  Lovely dawn sky as we arrived.
only joking!

Then on the Amsterdam bound plane and treated to a sequence of spectacular scenery, initially with hills in Kenya, then the Nile in Sudan, then the Sahara desert and wilderness areas before reaching the Mediterranean.  On over Crete and up to southern Greece, then over the old Dalmation coast of former Yugoslavia before going on over the eastern Alps, Germany and down over the polders of reclaimed land in Holland.

 Great rejoicing at Schipol airport as we enjoyed meeting up with many of our Dutch family and sharing a meal and lots of stories.

Hanna with her 3 sisters, Elly, Dorothee and Noor
Hanna's dad

Then after about 5 hours on the last plane back to Manchester where we were very happy to see Ruth - she had come back specially from Leeds as a surprise to collect us with a big bunch of flowers so we felt spoilt.

So safely home after an intense few weeks in Kisiizi [I am 4 kg lighter!] - a mix of challenges and joys, buffetings and blessings  but it was clearly the right time for us to go and now we need to digest the experiences and pray about the future.  Next Saturday is Friends of Kisiizi day in Reading so it will be really good to meet up with friends there and be able to share some of our experiences.

Meanwhile tuning back into home life here and enjoying hearing from family and friends.  Keep watching the blog for while as we will update a few things and feedback from Friends day...  Thanks again for all the support we have experienced which has encouraged us greatly.

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