Keep in touch!

Keep in touch!
we enjoy hearing from you...

bath time in Kisiizi!

bath time in Kisiizi!
outside children's ward

Friday, August 19, 2011


Ruth and Beth had a good time going out with the Rehabilitation team on a community visit. There were a range of adults and children including some with cerebral palsy and special needs.

Hanna taught in the School of Nursing as well as some midwifery.

Ian reviewed some neonates and then did the Children's ward round, didn't get back for lunch until 3pm due to a case of meningitis being admitted fitting.

We are pleased that quite a number of people are following this blog, varying from Beth's grandmother [Hello!] to some of our colleagues at Macclesfield District Hospital and many members of our church in Macclesfield as well as family.  So I have added a Medical posting below for those interested...

Ian and Hanna

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ian and Hanna for your blog. I am Chloe's Mum (medical student on elective at Kisiizi). It has been lovely to hear about what is happening at the hospital and to see the pictures. We are praying for you all
    Anne White
